Monday, April 27, 2009

Happier news

We are having two babies!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy news

We are having a baby!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bloomsday Bull*!#@

I swore I would never do it. I never even did it when I lived in Spokane. In fact, my freshman year of high school my mom signed me up for it and sent me downtown by myself on the city bus, of all horrors. When I arrived downtown, I took one look at how many people were there, remembered that it wasn't even eight in the morning on a Sunday and promptly got back on the bus for home and told my mom that I couldn't find the starting line. And now, nineteen years later, when I live on the other side of the country, my best friend (which I am starting to seriously rethink) has convinced me to do Bloomsday with her and her mom. Now I have booked a plane ticket and registered online so I get the pleasure of walking, running or jogging a 12k race with fifty thousand other people! I asked Colleen if we could sign up to be in the stroller section but then a small argument ensued about who had to push the stroller and who got to ride. It is going to be an experience that I just might kill her for. I told her today that I can already hear her in the first mile asking "whose idea was this?" She agreed but added an expletive. I hate people, she hates people and her mom loves everyone. We will make a great team. Then she mentioned something about wearing funny hats. For the love of God, she just might die :)