Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clomid and FSH

I finished taking the Clomid that was prescribed to me. It was 50 mg per day for days 3-7. I also had to take Mucinex to help the cervical mucus somehow. According to reports, the side effects can be pretty extreme so I was nervous about taking it, but I came through it with minimal issues. The only side effect that I had was that the left side of my face was tingly and numb for about 12 hours on the first day. No headaches, nausea or any of the other gnarly side effects.

Today was my follow up appointment which was with another doctor since mine is out of the country. During he exam, the doctor was saying a bunch of numbers to the nurse who was writing everything down. Not much of a bedside manner and I had no idea what she was talking about. My regular doctor always lets me look at the ultrasound while he is doing it and points everything out to me.

I was fully prepared to not have had any response to the medication and figured we would have to wait another month and increase the dosage of Clomid. I was wrong! I have two follicles that are almost ready to go. They measured 15.2 and 15.5 mm, respectively. Ideal follicles are at least 18 mm and they grow approximately 2 mm per day. I now have an appointment to go back on Friday for my injection of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone).

We both know that this is not a guarantee but it is nice to see my ovaries actually doing their job! Think good thoughts.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I had another appointment with my fertility doctor a week ago and he said that Caleb and I can still have kids on our own, it just may take awhile. I actually started crying in his office. We had already decided to start fertility drugs which the doctor agreed with. I started one of the prescriptions already and then have another appointment in a couple weeks where I will have another pelvic ultrasound and receive an injection. It still isn't a guarantee, but it does increase our chances. Think good thoughts!