Monday, January 19, 2009

Perfect Day

Right now I am drinking coffee and watching the snow coming down outside. My big, fat cat is asleep next to me and the dog is snoring on the floor. The best part is that my baby Carlyn is asleep in the other room. Everything is right in my world.

Sometimes I watch her and am so amazed by the woman she has become. She is one of those people who makes friends wherever she goes, can light up a room with her smile and always has a funny comment that makes me laugh until I cry. I look at her and can still see the five year old girl with the big brown eyes who looked up at me adoringly. I wonder if she realizes that I am often the one who is now looking up at her in the same way.

She is and always will be the best part of our family.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have just discovered something that is more beautiful than the elk in Yellowstone National Park-Elk medium rare on my plate. Yummy Yummy!